Share Your Story

We want to hear from all of you!

Here’s why: at Childhood Cancer Hall of Champions, we want to hear from the whole family - the child’s story, as well as their siblings, their parents, family and friends. We understand that childhood cancer touches everyone. This is a platform where we celebrate all your lives, love and support for the child in need.

We love authentic stories, and we do not require a specific format for you to follow.

What happens next: Once the story is submitted to us, we will do our best to review and publish on our website (usually within 1-2 weeks). We will also send you a confirmation once the stories is published so you can share with your family and friends.

Story in a different language: If you would like to submit your story in a different language, please do so and we will work with translators to share your story in two languages (including English).

We want to thank you! On behalf of families, friends, visitors and patrons of our website, thank you for your generosity in sharing your story. We understand that it is not easy and it’s a lot to ask. But it will help so many people - adults and children - to continue their journey with faith and bravery. Thank you!

If you prefer to email your story to us, please send it to childhoodcancerhall (at) gmail (dot) com